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2013 - Vie d Adele - Kechiche Abdelatif = CSFD 79% |

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    2013 - Vie d Adele - Kechiche Abdelatif = CSFD 79% Názov:2013 - Vie d Adele - Kechiche Abdelatif = CSFD 79% Hodnocení:N/A Stiahnut
    Pozriet Online
    Kategória:Filmy s titulkama - Velikost:2.9 GB BitTorrent klient
    Pridaný: Súbory:
    Skontrolován:2023-06-24 Peerov:0 (Seed: 0, Leech: 0)
    Zaner:Drama,Romanticky Uploader:Uvidis, az ked budes
    Kúp nám Pivo 1,10€

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    Život Adèle / La Vie d'Adèle / Blue Is the Warmest Color

    Drama / Romantický
    Francie / Belgie / Španělsko, 2013, 179 min
    Režie: Abdellatif Kechiche
    Předloha: Julie Maroh (komiks)
    Scénář: Abdellatif Kechiche, Ghalia Lacroix
    Kamera: Sofian El Fani
    Hrají: Adèle Exarchopoulos, Léa Seydoux, Salim Kechiouche, Jeremie Laheurte, Catherine Salée, Aurélien Recoing, Benjamin Siksou, Alma Jodorowsky, Sandor Funtek, Alain Duclos, Baya Rehaz, Camille Rutherford, Anne Loiret, Alika Del Sol, Karim Saidi, Mona Walravens, Halima Slimani, Eric Paul, Bouraouïa Marzouk, Vincent Gaeta

    Laska je laska - Film 50

    audio=french, titulky=czech,english



    Film se silným tématem o milostném vztahu mezi dvěma mladými ženami natočil tunisko-francouzský režisér Abdellatif Kechiche a hlavní role ztvárnily mladé herečky Adele Exarchopoulosová a Léa Seydouxová.

    Upřímně říkám, že jsem se projekce bál. Děsil jsem se svého subjektivního diváckého zážitku z tříhodinového francouzského lesbického artu, přesvědčen, že mu nepomůže ani fakt, že se pravděpodobně jedná o velmi dobrý tříhodinový francouzský lesbický art. Ale obavy byly zbytečné, protože mě film na začátku vtáhl a až do konce nepustil. Úžasné herecké výkony, naprosto cílevědomá režie, intenzivní prožitek. Nekrátil bych to ani o minutu, protože každá zobrazená scéna má v životě Adele své místo.

    Malokedy v poslednom case hovorim v spojitosti s nejakym filmom slovo "dokonalost", ale tento film si to zasluhuje. Ovsem plati to pre verziu, ktora bola v Cannes a potom u nas na Art Filme. Netusim, aka bude zostrihana verzia, ktora pojde do distribucie (Kechiche uz v minulosti bol prinuteny strihat svoe filmy a zatial vzdy islo iba o par minut), ale neviem si predstavit, ze bude lepsia ako ta verzia z "Cannes". Ustredne predstavitelky to zahrali maximalne presvedcivo, dokonca az uhrancivo - smial, citil a aj plakal som s nimi. Ich vasen a laska je prezentovana na platne s takymi silnymi emociami, ze citit z toho nefalsovanost, uprimnost ba priam skutocny zivot (i ked skutocnost je prave opacna).

    An Honest and Emotionally Devastating Film about Life, Love and Sexuality

    I just want to start off by saying this is an amazing film about young love that is actually honest with its audience. There are countless of films about people falling in love, but when you see "Blue is the Warmest Colour". You realize just how rare films are that make a sincere attempt to catch what it really is like to fall for someone, without sentimentality, forced cuteness or cheap emotional manipulation. This is the rare love story that has real emotional truth about it. The fact that it is about two women who fall for each other is almost secondary to the way the film catches the universality of what it is like to fall in love and maintain the relationship. "Blue is the Warmest Colour is a naturalistic and touching film, whether you're gay, straight, bisexual, or whatever orientation. This is a film that can give you relationship advice and life guidance no matter what your orientation may be. It isn't an indulgent film bringing only a unique gay relationship to light and nothing more, and it isn't an ode to "coming out" and stockpiled clichés of "being different." It shows how an interaction with a person can have a truly provocative impact on you as a person.

    The struggles between the two lovers is depicted in breathtaking detail. The director masterfully captures all of the turmoil and hardship going on between Adele's and Emma's relationship. The movie's long running time does not effect the film at all because you are so immersed into their characters. The sexual realization of Adele is perfectly shown in the movie. She is confused and doesn't know what she wants, it is a typical teenage problem. This movie is ultimately about Adele and her struggles to find her true self. The transformation that she experiences is utterly engrossing to watch. The film's nearly three hour running time is devoted to showing the growth of her character and it is absolutely amazing to watch it unfold right in front of your eyes.The intimate scene's between Adele and Emma are nothing short of miraculous in their depth and their honesty. The conversations are heartfelt, and the pain is evident and shared. It's realism of the world we live in is honest and raw.

    The movie owes so much of it's emotional power to its two fantastic actresses. They really bring it their all in this. I've never had doubts of these two performances, the characters felt like real people and you felt so much for their relationship. Their emotional hardships feel completely real. The character's flaws and insecurities feel so authentic because you actually believe them as real human beings. We never lose sight of their chemistry and devotion to one another, even in the most difficult of times. The two of them are like fireworks, waiting to explode out. I cannot recommend this film enough to those of you out there who are interested in seeing this. This is one of the wisest and least condescending films I've seen this year. I congratulate the director, Abdellatif Kechiche and the two actresses, Adele Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydoux for an emotional and spiritual journey that had me compelled to the screen for 179 glorious minutes.

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